Archive for January, 2016

This article is contributed to The Herbal Healing Mama from (my wonderfully talented husband) Dean Sexton for Your Comic Story.

Growing up in the smallish town of Grimsby, Ontario there wasn’t much for a kid to do besides dream. And this kid dreamed big. Sure there was serenity in the  quaint familiarity of daily life, but I craved more. Adventure. Romance. Drama. Action. The things that small town life just couldn’t offer a burgeoning boy with an abounding imagination. My solace from the ennui was hidden in novels and video games, but most importantly comic books. I spent innumerable days with my face buried within their pages, picturing myself clad in iron, leather or spandex, saving the world with a boundless array of powers.  One day I’d be the Hulk destroying an army and basking in the rage that offered a sense of freedom and resilience. On another I was Spider-Man swinging through the city miles above it all, my cares evaporating as I plummeted toward danger. That’s the wonderful thing about comics, many people consider them to be little more than bright and whimsical tales of flight and fancy, but for a boy trapped within adolescence they were so much more. They were a means of salvation. To become something better. And more often than not the turmoil of our heroes wasn’t so different from our own. It wasn’t just their powers that were relatable, it was their stories, their lives, in a sense they were just like us, people living a duel life, the one chosen for them, and the one they dreamed about when they closed their eyes.


Your Comic Story has tapped into what made comics so special years ago, bringing that feeling of wonder when we imagined ourselves as our favorite heroes to life.

Author: Dean Sexton

Find Dean Sexton Around the Web! WordPress | Facebook | DeviantART | HubPages

Thanks Dean! 🙂


What is Your Comic Story?

Custom Comic Books!

We do custom stories for any age or occasion, invitations, marketing/educational materials and more. is a one-of-a-kind group of comic art enthusiasts. We may be nerds, but we are also Parents, Husbands, and even Marketers. One day we realized that comic books tell a better story.
And the crazy thing is – you don’t have to be a fan of comic books to appreciate comic books. As long as you love stories and creativity – you’re hooked (as so many of our customers are).

Let them help you tell Your Superhero Story!

Your Comic Story is on Kickstarter with My First Startup – educational comic book for kids!


The comic book follows two kids, Tanya and Kevin, as each tries to create a business. It presents typical obstacles faced by startup founders in a easy-to-understand, engaging, and practical way. We consulted with economists, child psychologists, and successful entrepreneurs to make sure our comic book is accessible to kids, teaches sound principles, and is based on the real issues faced by startup founders.

We really believe in “My First Startup”. From our research, we found nothing quite like this. There are various books, articles, and TV shows – but nothing that a kid can pick up and have fun learning on their own. We received enthusiastic feedback from a number of educational, parent, and entrepreneurial organizations. We consulted with experts in economics, child psychology, and entrepreneurship. But the ultimate judge is YOU. We hope you love My First Startup and get one for every kid you know.

To help kids get the most out of “My First Startup” and be more prepared for starting a business, we are offering some exciting perks:

They are offering many incentives for helping to fund them. (if it wasn’t already worth it) Here are a few things they are offering:

  • Social Media shoutout
  • eBook version
  • first edition print versions
  • made-from-scratch 4 page comic book
  • 15 minute Skype call to discuss your kid’s business
  • Startup toolkit, which includes: free business cards, help setting up an eCommerce store, shipping labels & more.

– One backer will get his kid drawn into the comic book, and so everyone’s comic book will feature your kid as a character. This is our ultimate way of saying “you’re part of the story, welcome!”


This project will only be funded if at least $10,000 is pledged by Thu, Sep 24 2015 12:05 PM EDT. SO please, check out Your Comic Story on Kickstarter & help bring this amazing project to life. 

Every Dollar Helps!

The Herbal Healing Mama

This article is contributed to The Herbal Healing Mama from (my wonderfully talented husband) Dean Sexton for Your Comic Story.

Growing up in the smallish town of Grimsby, Ontario there wasn’t much for a kid to do besides dream. And this kid dreamed big. Sure there was serenity in the  quaint familiarity of daily life, but I craved more. Adventure. Romance. Drama. Action. The things that small town life just couldn’t offer a burgeoning boy with an abounding imagination. My solace from the ennui was hidden in novels and video games, but most importantly comic books. I spent innumerable days with my face buried within their pages, picturing myself clad in iron, leather or spandex, saving the world with a boundless array of powers.  One day I’d be the Hulk destroying an army and basking in the rage that offered a sense of freedom and resilience. On another I was Spider-Man swinging through the city miles above it…

View original post 589 more words

2015 was an excellent year for cinema all around, we had superhero blockbusters like Antman and Age of Ultron, Action flicks like Mad Max and Jurassic World, brilliant mainstream horror films like Krampus and The Visit, poignant dramas like Love and Mercy and Ex Machina, and of course we can’t forget The Force Awakens and The Hateful Eight. It was truly a great year to be a cinephile. But no different than the years preceding it there were films that disappeared beneath the encompassing shadow cast by the Hollywood blockbuster, hidden gems that were denied the same widespread appeal as their commercial brethren. Today I’d like to share a few of those gems, and pass along what I think are the best films of 2015 that you might have missed … Also I didn’t intend for there to be thirteen films. I know I’m a horror writer, and it probably looks intentional, but it was in fact a rather fortuitous coincidence.

1. Bone Tomahawk:

This western horror mashup is a slow burner, and is guaranteed to make you cringe.

Bone Tomahawk

2. It Follows:

Although I have my qualms with its third act, (see the pool scene) this film wasn’t afraid to shake up genre conventions, and for the most part it paid off.

It Follows

3. The Final Girls:

A brilliant, meta approach to the horror genre, similar to other self aware horror films like Cabin in the Woods. The Final Girls is equally heartwarming and horrifying.

The Final Girls

4. Spring:

Very rarely do I walk away from a horror film praising its characters, but Spring is an exception. It’s beautiful, intelligent, and probably the most heart wrenching monster movie you’ll ever see.


5. Creep:

Another nerve wracking character study, Creep follows a videographer who responds to an ad on Craigslist, and the strange man he’s hired to film.


6. Song of the Sea:

A modern day folk tale brimming with wondrous imagery, emotion and characters. Song of the Sea harkens back to the era of hand drawn animation, and heartwarming family stories.

Song of the Sea

7. The Forbidden Room:

A mind bending collection of stories, and fantastical occurrences. Not recommended for those seeking a linear experience, as one segment tells the tale of a moustache and the widow of the man who once adorned it.

The Forbidden Room

8. Some Kind of Hate:

A fresh take on the revenge genre, albeit a tad wonky in the acting department. Some kind of hate is a fun ride… if you turn your brain off and simply enjoy it for what it is.

Some Kind of Hate

9. Cooties:

Probably the most fun I had watching a film all year.


10. Deathgasm:

Death metal and demons, need I say more?


11. A Christmas Horror Story:

Yes Krampus was amazing. Yes A Christmas Horror Story is its lower budget Canadian relative, but it’s still fantastic fun.

A Christmas Horror Story

12. The Gift:

If the hand that rocked the cradle made you uncomfortable, then the gift will make you want to take a long, boiling hot shower. If however you’re in the mood for a dark, deeply unnerving game of cat and mouse you won’t be disappointed.
The Gift

13. The Boy and the Beast:

A coming of age tale akin to The Jungle Book, The Boy and the Beast will bring out the inner child in even the most crotchety of party poopers.
The Boy and the Beast
Well there they are my darklings, the Master of Morbid’s list of recommendations for 2015. Some are easier to watch than others, (Son of the Sea) some you probably won’t be able to make it through, (Bone Tomahawk) and some are ludicrous spectacles, (Cooties), but all of them get my highest approval.
Until next year skiddies, your father of the freakish hopes you enjoy these films, and remember to stay scary!!!

What are your favourite films of 2015?

Some of the links found on this site are affiliates of Dean Sexton.